Each day students can make a choice on which literacy activity they want to work on independently. The choices are: Read to Someone, Read to Self, Work on Writing, Word Work, and Listening to Reading. During the choice sessions, the teacher is pulling different groups for either guided reading or word study.
We love encouraging kindergarteners to read. When a student brings back a library book, they can immediately checkout a new book that day. The book checkout is included in the Read to Self choice.
In the beginning of the year, students use dry erase boards to work on writing. They love to copy different words and practice making letters. Later in the year, they will have the chance to work on their Writer’s Workshop writing during The Daily Five.
Listening to Reading is the most popular choice. During this choice students listen to books on the computer through the Virginia Beach Public Library. Students can also listen at home. Please check the library website for more information.
Word Work provides students with a chance to review their word study sorts and also practice different ways to spell words.
Read to Someone is also very popular. Students can tell each other the stories by reading the words, reading a familiar book, or telling the story from the pictures.