Friday, January 29, 2010

SPCA Reader

Today we had a SPCA volunteer reader come and read us stories about dogs.  She also brought a special friend with her.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Click, Clack, Moo Orchestra

Today, our music teacher Mrs. Gordon, taught us how to use musical instruments to create a soundtrack for the story Click, Clack, Moo:  Cows That Type.  This story is one of our class favorites that we watch on Bookflix.

Five Senses with our Science Lab Coordinators

Thank you so much to our wonderful science lab coordinators Mrs. Becker and Mrs. Choi for coming to our class to do a preview lesson on the five senses.  The kiddos were so excited when our volunteers popped popcorn and talked about using all five senses with the popcorn including taste- yummy popcorn.  We will be attending the science lab next week to explore all five senses.  Please check back to see pictures of our very first science lab.  Thanks!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Basketball Practice

Today Mr. K taught the kindergarteners how to shoot a basketball.  The kindergarteners had a blast!

Basketball in Action!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Little Gulls" Preschool Outreach Program

Dear JBD Parents,
We are pleased to annouce that we will be providing a Preschool-Outreach Program, "Little Gulls", to our school community.  The purpose of this program it to provide families in our community the opportunity to experience a variety of activities to enhance the 3-5 year old preschool child's readiness skills.

Children and parents will participate together in a variety of hands on activities that will promote reading, language, communication, and motor skills.

We will be having our first meeting on FEBRUARY 2, 2010, from 6-7:30pm in John B. Dey's Library.  If you have a preschool child age three to five pelase plan on attending this fun event with your child.  Please share this information with neighbors who may be interested in attending also.

The "Little Gulls" Team
Nancy Jenkins, Lynne Logan, Susie O'Donnell, and Lisa Young
RSVP- Please leave a message by Monday, February 1, 2010 at 648-2440 extension 51323

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Money Poems

Everyday we try to review our money poems.  Please continue to reinforce coin identification at home.

Penny, penny
easily spent
copper brown
and worth 1 cent

Nickel, nickel
thick and fat,
You're worth 5 cents
I know that.

Dime, dime
little and thin
I remember your worth 10.

Quarter, quarter
big and bold,
you're worth 25 I am told.

The JBD cupcake!

Thank you so much Mrs. Brady for taking a picture of the adorable JBD cupcake from spirit night at Just Cupcakes.  Don't forget we have another spirit night at Just Cupcakes this Friday.  Thank you for supporting our school- spirit nights are important because the money we earn goes directly to purchasing new techonology for our school (including our class smartboard).

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Reading Strategies

We are now working really hard to use our reading strategies while we practice reading.  We are working on our first four reading strategies:
1.  Tap each word that you read
2.  Check the picture
3.  Get your mouth ready and sound out the word
4.  Ask:  Does it make sense? or What would make sense?

Please reinforce these strategies with your child at home when they are reading to you.  Thanks!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Science Lab

We will have our first Science Lab the first week in February.  Please contact our room mothers if you would like to volunteer.  We need 6-8 volunteers.  Thanks!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Creative Writing

During our Daily Five session each day, one of the choices the students can make it "Work on Writing". For this choice students use the dry erase boards to write words, sentences, and draw pictures to match. I thought these creative pictures by one of my students were so cute!

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Kelso's Choices Quiz Show!

Today during our guidance lesson, we had a quiz show on Kelso's choices.  The kiddos loved to use the buzzers to answer the questions on solutions to big problems and small problems.  Thanks Ms. Booth for a great interactive lesson on making good choices!

Our SCA Representative

Today we had a visit from our fifth grade SCA representative.  Our class loves to get updates on different events in our school.  Today we learned about wacky hair day- which will be on January 29th (please no wigs).  School water bottles can also be purchased for $3.00- order forms will go home on January 14th.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Thanks for the visit!

Today our class was visited by Debbie Thomas from the Virginia Beach Education Foundation.  She brought two other guests to see how our class uses bookflix.  The grant which I was awarded in November paid for a subscription to bookflix.  Thank you for visiting us!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Playing "Nim" with Mrs. Law

Today we learned to play the game "Nim" with a partner during our whole group gifted lesson.  We also practiced different strategies and creative ways to play tic-tac-toe.  Thanks Mrs. Law for a great lesson!

Monday, January 4, 2010