Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy World Geography Week!

In honor of Geography Week, we are asking students and staff to wear a t-shirt or sweatshirt with the name of a place on earth on Wednesday, Nov. 17th. This is a whole school event!

Friday, November 12, 2010

We are Thankful!

Virginia Beach Education Foundation

Wednesday night was the celebration of all the grant receipents at the Sandler Center in Virginia Beach. The food was prepared and served by the culinary students from the Virginia Beach Technical and Career Education Center. The food was YUMMY and I was very excited to take pictures of the food. Jody Carroll, our computer resource teacher, Susan Hardesty, our librarian, Leslie Law, our gifted resource teacher, and Mrs. Capwell, our principal, and Mrs. Williamston, our assistant principal, and Amber Greene, our kindergarten assistant, also attended.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Who's a Turkey?

This is a picture of Mrs. Capwell dressed as a turkey from last year. Each year our SCA sponsors the "turkey teacher" canned food drive. Teachers volunteer themselves to have a box in the cafeteria to collect donated canned food. The teacher with the most cans of food in there box will have to wear the famous turkey costume! Last year, Mrs. Capwell won the canned food drive and had to wear the costume. Guess what... this year I volunteered to be in the contest for "turkey teacher"(yikes!). Students can bring in cans from November 15th-November 19th to vote for the "turkey teacher". Our kindergarten friends are very excited and keep teasing me about how they can't wait to see me in the turkey costume... stay tuned to see who wins!

Becoming a Writer

Today we read the book Red is a Dragon which is also on tumblebooks. Each student then chose a color to write about in their writing notebooks and had to think of four things of that color and then label the items. We had some very creative work!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Germs Make Me Sick!

Today we watched the story Germs Make Me Sick! on Reading Rainbow. We learned about bacteria and viruses. We also saw what germs look like under a microscope in the video. After watching the video, everyone was very motivated to keep washing their hands (smile).

Community Resource Fair

When: Monday, November 8, 2010 6:0o p.m.—8:30 p.m.
Where: Landstown High School 2001 Concert Drive Virginia Beach, Virginia
Why:Receive information from 80+ vendors on: Children/Adult Disability Services, Recreational Programs, Vocational Information, Respite Services, Support/Advocacy Groups, Transition Services, Housing Information, Legal Services, Durable Medical Equipment Providers, Assistive Technology, Therapy Providers, and much more……….

******Lots of give-away and door prizes******

Sponsored by the Office of Programs for Exceptional Children and the Virginia Beach Special Education Advisory Committee.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Reflection Winners!

We are so excited that two of our students won in our PTA reflections contest in the photography category! Congratulations!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010