It’s Falling into reading with Mrs. Rose’s Kindergarten Friends
Dear Parents,
It is so important that children be exposed to books and reading each day in order to develop a love of literature and reading skills that will last a lifetime. In an effort to kindle the spark for September and October, our classes will be participating in a reading nightly for twenty minutes as we are “Falling Into Reading with Mrs. Roses Kindergarten Friends”.
The goal is for each child to read twenty minutes per night with an adult. You can read to your child, your child can read to you, or you can do a little of both. We are asking that you record our child’s reading on the reading log. Once your child has completed his or her reading log please return it to school in their folder and he or she will be awarded with a reading leaf for their efforts, and a new reading log will be sent home. The success of this program would not happen without our wonderful parents. Thank you again for your continued support of your child’s reading habits. It is truly wonderful to see their excitement grow as they become more self-confident with their reading.
Happy Reading,
Mrs. Rose and Mrs. Greene